If you are already logged in
To reset your password, navigate to the 'account details' section of your account by clicking here.
If you are unable to log in
If you have forgotten your password and are unable to login to your account, you can navigate to the login section of the website here. On this screen you will see the e-mail address and password fields as below. Click on "Forgot Your Password?"
On the next screen you will be prompted for the e-mail address for your account, please type in the email address for your account and click 'Reset Password'. If you have an account under that e-mail address you will receive instructions by e-mail to reset your password.
Haven't received the email? Check your spam and junk inboxes - it may have filtered through there.
Not in spam? You may be subscribed to our emails, but not have an online account. Try creating an account here.
If you receive this error message while trying to create an account, and resetting your password isn't working, contact us using the details below.
If you continue having issues, contact our customer service team at online@aquila.com.au, via live chat or by calling 1300 427 845.